Our Remote Diagnostics integrate the functionality of a data logger with that of a communications bridge and embedded processor to provide a compact, rugged and cost effective solution to industrial monitoring activities.
Our Remote Diagnostics have been deployed systematically in the Automotive, Nuclear and Defence industries; which use the Diagnostics Hub not only to sample data, but to control and process the transmission of data over various network infrastructures.
A recent addition to the portfolio is the Rail industry where Remote Diagnostics have been used to acquire data pertaining to the condition of automated doors, as well as data associated with passenger comfort, i.e. HVAC system monitoring.

Door Diagnostics Case Study
In this case study we describe how the Instrumentel Door Diagnostics Unit (DDU) meets the need of rail operators and maintainers by providing a retrofittable, cost effective solution to condition based monitoring of in-service sliding and slam-door sets.
Our Remote Diagnostic solution is a versatile electronic system allowing access to a range of customer specific modules and devices designed by Instrumentel.
Importantly Remote Diagnostics also provides a cost effective means of networking third party products and instrumentation. The Diagnostic hub is offered as an expandable system, which the user can configure, with or without Instrumentels’ help, to achieve the desired functionality.

- Up to 16 Digital input channels
- Up to 16 Analogue inputs
- Choice of RS-232 or RS-485 serial inputs 24V dc power supply or 802.3af Power Over Ethernet
- Remote firmware upgrades over Ethernet
- 1Gb expandable solid state memory (micro SD Card)
- Real-time clock, with backup battery
- 32-bit ARM processor