
What we do for the Automotive industry...

Working with leading motorsport and commercial engine manufacturers, Instrumentel have developed systems for a range of automotive telemetry applications. These include miniaturised wireless telemetry systems to acquire temperature, pressure and strain data from pistons, valves and turbos in operational engines and multi-purpose data loggers.  

Instrumentel has also developed an innovative dual-fuel ECU shown to increase HGV and LGV fuel efficiencies by up to 20%
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Our Solutions

High Temperature

Our solution

​Non-intrusive use of innovative RFID solutions to monitor doors and keep trains in service.

Valve Telemetry

Our Solution

Keep your trains moving and manage the performance of engines remotely

Piston Telemetry

Our Solution

Fleet Insight provides a suite of dashboards and reporting on the performance of your fleet of vehicles.

Condition Based Maintenance

Improve asset reliability and availability by optimising your maintenance regime through condition monitoring. Through Instrumentel’s proven combination of sensors and analytics, operational performance is managed automatically with exceptions alerted. 

Maintenance is predicted, removing costly failures in service and allowing assets to be operated until maintenance is actually required. Improved predictability and visualisation will also reduce costs in both operations and materials.