What we do for the Rail industry
Instrumentel supplies many of the UK train operators and maintainers with diagnostic equipment to fit to existing rolling stock or infrastructure to deliver efficiency and maintenance improvements.
From train door diagnostics, energy metering, fuel metering and engine monitoring to infrastructure degradation monitoring, Instrumentel systems provide rapidly retrofittable, cost-effective solutions for improved asset management in the rail industry.
See our services and solutions below:
Condition Monitoring Systems and Products
Condition Monitoring technology systems are becoming increasingly important for train operators as an effective means of understanding the performance of products during service operation.
To meet this requirement we have developed a number of Condition-Based Maintenance systems which can be encompassed within new train design and manufacture or retrospectively fitted to existing rolling stock fleets.
We also has an extensive range of industrial and academic technology partners who develop and manufacture bespoke solutions to monitor the performance of a wider range of products in numerous and challenging applications.
The Instrumentel Condition Monitoring technology range can be linked to existing train diagnostics monitoring systems or to a bespoke hub arrangement which offers the facility to connect multiple technology measuring systems together.
Condition Based Maintenance
The increasing expectations of passengers and government regulators are providing the impetus for train and network operators to invest in new systems and technology that will deliver long term financial and operational benefits. At the core of these performance gains is the ability to keep trains running for longer without disruption by minimising planned or unscheduled maintenance interventions and to massively transform maintenance regimes so that assets are in service for longer and service episodes are controlled by asset condition intelligence
Improve asset reliability and availability by optimising your maintenance regime through condition monitoring.
Through Instrumentel’s proven combination of sensors and analytics, operational performance is managed automatically with exceptions alerted.
Maintenance is predicted, removing costly failures in service and allowing assets to be operated until maintenance is actually required.
Improved predictability and visualisation will also reduce costs in both operations and materials.
Door Diagnostics Case Study
In this case study we describe how the Instrumentel Door Diagnostics Unit (DDU) meets the need of rail operators and maintainers by providing a retrofittable, cost effective solution to condition based monitoring of in-service sliding and slam-door sets.
OTMR case study
Instrumentel was asked to design, install and support a remote monitoring solution to extract the data from the OTMR, correlate it with GPS data and provide access to it in real-time to multiple users.